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 Sujet du message: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Mercredi 23 Janvier 2013 23:15 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
Hello! Sorry but my french is not so good. My name is Antonio, and i'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I have a late 96 xsi gris quartz, this particulary one, was sold when the new 106 was already on sale.

This are some pictures, when the 106 was still in the dealersheap..




Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Mercredi 23 Janvier 2013 23:30 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
And a picture when the 106 arrived home




This Xsi has a 1.3 TU2J2 engine, the same engine from the 106 Rallye. From 1991 to 1994, the Xsi here were like yours Xsi in france, but only with 1.4l, the 1.6 is realy rare, just 5 or 6.
Since 1995, the xsi was equipped with the same engenis as the rallye and with leader seats..

Later on, i will post new photos and some works done on the car. Congratulations to the excelent forum that you have here.

Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 0:49 
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Inscription: Dimanche 20 Février 2005 22:23
Messages: 7670
Localisation: 94 Val-de-Marne
Welcome :kakashi:


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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 13:48 
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Inscription: Mardi 23 Juin 2009 10:29
Messages: 2014
Localisation: Saint Etienne (42) (à côté des quenelles lyonnaises)
very nice car you have. :xsi:

My new one is Quartz too, and my older was Red Vallelunga. :inlove:

I speak fluently Portuguese (my parents came from Ponte de Lima, Viana do Castelo), so ask me for help if you need a translation to french.

Le socialisme, c'est l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme, le capitalisme, c'est le contraire

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 14:10 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Août 2007 0:09
Messages: 2599
Localisation: Rhône-alpes
welcome !

moteur 1300 et barres de torsion en 19mm sur cette xsi :kakashi:

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 20:08 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
Obrigado Calay42, é bom saber que também ha alguem a falar a mesma língua por aí. Ca nao ha nenhum forum dedicado apenas ao xsi, e o vosso é espectacular.

You are correct BoOst, this xsi´s have exactly the same specs from the rallye but with leader seats. In my case, mine is 23mm from the rallye r2, a special edition limited to 55 units sold and mounted here in Portugal. If you want, i can post some spec and pictures from the 106 rallye r2.

Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 20:26 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
The first i've done to the engine, was replace the oil pumb because it was cracked.. I don´t know why....



Was broken and badly repared. Here's the new one, and a put a reforced spring to have a better oil pressure.


I've painted the fog headlights



Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 20:29 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Août 2007 0:09
Messages: 2599
Localisation: Rhône-alpes
good job !

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 20:38 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
Here with new headlights, new license plate and lettring on the trunk..






Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 22:34 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
Here in a classic meeting..



With the garage brother....




Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 22:42 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
Some pic's with my KID..



Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 22:53 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
After some time without driving my xsi, i was presented with this..



Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 23:30 
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Inscription: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 23:04
Messages: 9
With the crach, my engine block, (aluminium) cracked, is a bit stupid, but the fact is that the aluminium was hot, and is normal with the hit, the aluminium cracked. I talked with a friend of miny who work in a Peugeot Garage and he told me that was not so stange at all..

Here's the 2 engines i bought..



Some pictures, washing the engine bay..



The preparation of the engine...
The car have almost, everything new, suspencion, brakes (this late model have da same front brake sistem as the 106 s16 16v), new clutch, new direction box and tips, the gear box was repair write before a bought the car.. Even the air-filter box was new, as the master-cylinder brake (from the 106 s16 16v)..












The engine ready..



In place..







Rolling again, and with a new rear bumper. Better then ever....



Peugeot 106 KID 94'
Peugeot 106 XSi 96'
Renault 11 Turbo 87'

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 Sujet du message: Re: Xsi Gris Quartz from Portugal
MessagePosté: Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 23:54 
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Inscription: Mardi 23 Juin 2009 10:29
Messages: 2014
Localisation: Saint Etienne (42) (à côté des quenelles lyonnaises)
rwaj_tony a écrit:
Obrigado Calay42, é bom saber que também ha alguem a falar a mesma língua por aí. Ca nao ha nenhum forum dedicado apenas ao xsi, e o vosso é espectacular.

Nao tem nada que agradecer, ja sabes, assim que precisares de ajuda, informaçao... podes pedir :jap:
Senao, vocês ahi em Portugal tambem tem o PSA Maniacs que é um exellente site +1

rwaj_tony a écrit:
You are correct BoOst, this xsi´s have exactly the same specs from the rallye but with leader seats. In my case, mine is 23mm from the rallye r2, a special edition limited to 55 units sold and mounted here in Portugal. If you want, i can post some spec and pictures from the 106 rallye r2.

My friend in Portugal had one 106 rallye R2.
It is like a rallye mk1, but with Koni suspensions , Green air filter (no air box), 4-2-1 stainless steel exhaust collector and R2 stickers on back sides of the car :inlove:

But this version was only built in Portugal, in a small factory by a small team.

Le socialisme, c'est l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme, le capitalisme, c'est le contraire

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