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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 30 Décembre 2016 10:51 
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Inscription: Vendredi 16 Février 2007 21:47
Messages: 600
Localisation: Dans le Béarn
Great Job !! :o

For wonderful results :kakashi:

En cours : 106 Xsi 1.4 non cata Bleue miami :)
Mon Ex : 106 Xsi 1.4 non cata grise aster.

Et pour le week-end : Corolla TS :D

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 30 Décembre 2016 21:50 
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Inscription: Jeudi 10 Novembre 2016 17:39
Messages: 63
:bien: :bien: :bien:
Travail de malade. :kakashi: Good Job

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 13 Janvier 2017 19:28 
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Inscription: Lundi 09 Mars 2009 12:14
Messages: 975
Localisation: valdivienne ( 86300 )
:bcry: :inlove:

106 XS ph1 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=27777
106 RG ph1 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28014
106 xsi 1400 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28016
106 xsi bridée viewtopic.php?f=67&t=28309
106 xsi hybride viewtopic.php?f=67&t=28377

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 22 Janvier 2017 20:51 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Evening all....

The dash has been over to Ireland for some TLC at the hands of DieselDave.. (worth a follow on instagram)

I have to say its a f**king good job!!





And after a bit of wrestling it was in place (still a couple of brackets to attach it to the cage) the dash section of harness was clipped in and it was starting to look like a car again...





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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 22 Janvier 2017 21:04 
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Inscription: Vendredi 28 Octobre 2016 20:28
Messages: 60
Localisation: Entrevaux (04)
Are you keeping the stock heater ? If not, what are you using against mist ?

Amazing job as usual :bien:

Ma chaine YouTube

Ma page Facebook

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 23 Janvier 2017 8:11 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Stock heater has gone.. i think it will be a heated screen and see how that copes..

If its not enough, the ducting under the dash is still in place so i may look at fitting a small aftermarket water/air heater blower to assist...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2017 20:20 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
So.. a casual 67hours at work this week meant not much time for the car.. but after a sunday morning double time stint i popped down the social club for some tinkering..

Pulled up a rug, mother made me a coffee and i set about the discs:


Resulting in:


I did also fit up the harness shoulder straps according to:


And started fitting the gearshift linkages thru the bulkhead - unfortunately a flat phone battery has limited pics for this update....

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 05 Février 2017 7:04 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
More fitting up done...








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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 05 Février 2017 7:33 
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MODO/ ADMIN - Dieu du moteur sur la planete
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Inscription: Jeudi 23 Octobre 2014 23:50
Messages: 4928
Localisation: Cergy_Vexin_(95)

Toutes y sont pas.
>Mon ancienne 106 1.4 XRDPassage en 1.5D et en gamme XTD viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28727

>Mon ancien coupé 406 xu10j4r
130ch>138ch>152ch>161ch>165ch (Echap OEM) elle marchait idem
un 320D E92 et E46 de 210ch (st1) d'amis, en run 30-200 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29164

>Mon ancienne 306 s16 167bv6 phs1.2
+/-175ch, 0-200 24s, chasseuse de M3RS 275ch (amis) mais...
une grosse merguez rouillé+escroquerie > châssis mis en destruction viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29376

>Mon ancienne 106 xsi 1.6l
Elle aura fait que 50km.., abandon/fin de projet...
châssis nu/CG mis en procédure destruction viewtopic.php?f=67&t=28342

>Mon ancienne 106 Enfant Terrible 2002 Une merguez avec 40millions de problème qui m'aura épuisé le cerveau..
Abandon/ fin de projet, châssis nu/CG mis en procédure destruction viewtopic.php?f=129&t=302

Ma 106 xs 1.6l 97
> Bloc1/ bloc2: 130ch (non au max) 0à100: 6.2s/ 0à170: 19s en 15p/ 18s en 14p
30000km avec le bloc2 avant changement pour le bloc3 03/2022.
> Bloc3: actuellement en sommeil: objectif 145ch monopap (bloc non opérant actuellement)


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 13 Février 2017 15:40 
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Inscription: Vendredi 09 Mars 2012 21:01
Messages: 1120
Localisation: 27(ezy sur eure) 76(bolbec)
Very beautiful work, your front is amazing. She 's going to bring down the chrono your 106

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 13 Février 2017 21:00 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2011 17:38
Messages: 2383
Localisation: Limoges 87
Just : wow !!!

Acceptera le principe d'égalité des sexes lorsque les hommes auront droit à l'orgasme multiple eux aussi

Back on XSI :

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Jeudi 16 Février 2017 7:48 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Thankyou all very much....

Theres been a few delays this week, odd sized bearings/broken bushes/STILL waiting on windows.. but i will try to update again soon...


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Samedi 18 Février 2017 2:07 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Août 2007 0:09
Messages: 2599
Localisation: Rhône-alpes
Nice job.

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 26 Février 2017 20:25 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Alright peeps...

So.. decided to give the steering rack a bit of a spruce up.. it was stripped/blasted/powdercoated and then just pop it all together..

Yeah... because its always that easy isnt it!?!

The needle bearing was a bit notchy (knackered) so i popped up to the suppliers only to be told they were unavailable.. a bit of head scratching and we decided the french were being typically awkward in using a custom bearing and to drop down on the OD to the nearest std size and i'd machine a sleeve to hold it in place:





Once that was all done I had a shiny rack:


So.. the pedalbox went in.. the rack went on and i started on the steering arms...

Aaaaaand another issue arose:

Ya see these little rod end spacers:


I found 3..

Guess how many i needed??

Yesssssss 4.. thats right!!!

So, after much swearing and cursing i decided to make 1... some bar was thriwn in the lathe and i fired up the Ateam music...


And just like Hannibal and the boys... i love it when a plan comes together!!:


Colomn was bolted up.. arms fitted.. we had steering!!



I did start getting pedals attatched but was running out of time and correct sized bolts..


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 01 Mars 2017 18:45 
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Inscription: Vendredi 28 Octobre 2016 20:28
Messages: 60
Localisation: Entrevaux (04)
Amazing work as always :bien:

Ma chaine YouTube

Ma page Facebook

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 10 Mars 2017 8:01 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Another forum asked a bit about the steps involved with fabricating some of the stuff... so i took a few step-by-step shots of this grar linkage bracket...

To start off, we have 2 pieces of 1.5mm sheet folded into channels.. some laser cut discs.. and a couple of bits of tube...


The discs were welded onto 1 end of the tube to create a sort of bucket with a hole in the bottom.. the channels were welded together to create a thinwall box section.. holes were cut for the tubes and the whole lot bolted down to a jig plate


The ends of the box were cut and shaped to follow the tibes nicely:


Another piece of channel was pressed, the end shaped and the whole lot was welded up:


Left to cool, powdercoated.. and fitted up:


I also fitted the bootlid and checked the thermoformed rear screen for fit as thats being bonded in Saturday..



The workshop at my folks unfortunatly has been inhabited by bats so the ClassicAdditions cover was brought out of the toolbox.. but first i blew all the dust off and took a couple of 'reflection' shots.. please remember the car is still straight out of the paint booth and the finish is as it came off the gun, it still needs a final polish...



And then tucked it up until the weekend....


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 12 Mars 2017 15:22 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Anyone that knows me, (and my previous poor luck) will know i'm quite particular nowadays in who i let work on my car...

Sean (bespoke wiring solutions) did a fantastic job on the wiring..
Zane (ZLS) absolutely mastered the painting..
Dave (flockitanway) has nade the dash look stunning
And to that list i can add..

Russ Davis (ginge) (ultimate windscreens) to that list.. the guy drove nearly 2 hours to fit the glass and i'm so happy i found/chose him.. his attention to detail and knowlege is first rate and his results are first rate!!!

The windows themselves are hardcoated items (rear screen is also thermoformed) and are from MaxiMotorsport.. fantastic quality!!





So happy!!!!

I also got around to finishing the front brake pipes and fitted the stainless brackets up in the arches..


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 13 Mars 2017 0:00 
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MODO/ ADMIN - Dieu du moteur sur la planete
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Inscription: Jeudi 23 Octobre 2014 23:50
Messages: 4928
Localisation: Cergy_Vexin_(95)

Toutes y sont pas.
>Mon ancienne 106 1.4 XRDPassage en 1.5D et en gamme XTD viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28727

>Mon ancien coupé 406 xu10j4r
130ch>138ch>152ch>161ch>165ch (Echap OEM) elle marchait idem
un 320D E92 et E46 de 210ch (st1) d'amis, en run 30-200 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29164

>Mon ancienne 306 s16 167bv6 phs1.2
+/-175ch, 0-200 24s, chasseuse de M3RS 275ch (amis) mais...
une grosse merguez rouillé+escroquerie > châssis mis en destruction viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29376

>Mon ancienne 106 xsi 1.6l
Elle aura fait que 50km.., abandon/fin de projet...
châssis nu/CG mis en procédure destruction viewtopic.php?f=67&t=28342

>Mon ancienne 106 Enfant Terrible 2002 Une merguez avec 40millions de problème qui m'aura épuisé le cerveau..
Abandon/ fin de projet, châssis nu/CG mis en procédure destruction viewtopic.php?f=129&t=302

Ma 106 xs 1.6l 97
> Bloc1/ bloc2: 130ch (non au max) 0à100: 6.2s/ 0à170: 19s en 15p/ 18s en 14p
30000km avec le bloc2 avant changement pour le bloc3 03/2022.
> Bloc3: actuellement en sommeil: objectif 145ch monopap (bloc non opérant actuellement)


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 17 Avril 2017 20:08 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Alright folks??? Everybody good????

Got the rear suspension (and some other bits) blasted:


That lot got Zinc plated:


Rear beam assembled got powdercoated:


Made sure underneath was looking FRESH!!!!:


Rear trailing arms were treated to new seals/bearings and fitted up:





Hung the doors on:


Stripped the wiper assembly down to its bare bits and gave it a blast/paint:


And that's about where i'm at... out of date loctite kinda cut today short but fingers crossed it'll be rolling next weekend...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 19 Avril 2017 12:34 
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Inscription: Lundi 18 Août 2014 9:39
Messages: 1110
Localisation: Champagne-Ardennes

"En mécanique ne jamais forcer, toujours prendre un marteau plus gros"
"Il ne faut pas avoir peur des chevaux sous le capot mais de l'âne qui est au volant"

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