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 Sujet du message: my 106 xsi 1.6
MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 1:20 

i dont really speak french at all but came across this site by following a link from

anyway, thought i'd post some pics up of how things are done in england








Image ... 005005.jpg


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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 1:45 
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Inscription: Mercredi 08 Juin 2005 3:23
Messages: 2569
Localisation: 78 Devise: Y'a pas de problemes, y'a que des solutions...
Nice pics man!

I see u tuned your car!

Well it's nice to see some Peugeot fans in UK!

Anyways, your car is really C L E A N!

Good job!

De retour en XSi

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 9:46 
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Inscription: Lundi 24 Janvier 2005 22:38
Messages: 720
Localisation: Guyancourt 78
welcome, pretty car! You put a pipe of admission of one 106 1l3 rally it is well like modification. With soon on the forum

voila traduction powaaa mdr :mrgreen:

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 11:19 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
Pfff clem that was so bad :D

Welcome mister ;) .

You will be well received here.
You have done some great modification.
That'is nice :D.
I suppose you know this board

I visit it as soon as i can.
It teachs many things ;) .

You have a nice 106.
There is some person on this board that have done the same modification as yours ;) .

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 11:54 
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Inscription: Mercredi 19 Janvier 2005 23:49
Messages: 5035
Localisation: Élancourt 78
:jap: pretty car !!!
so nice so clean, respect :jap:

PS: english love blue miami :loving:

>>>Ma XSi<<< Still here !

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 13:08 
thanks for the nice comments guys and girls

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 13:09 
TaG a écrit:
I suppose you know this board .

yes i am a member. im also a member of which is also very helpful

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 13:51 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
Welcome! :kakashi:
Pretty car with good modification!
You said:
`came across this site by following a link from `

There's a link from, if it's true, where is it? (give me the adress of the page where the link is)

Sorry for my bad english! ;)

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 14:26 
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Inscription: Dimanche 02 Janvier 2005 9:00
Messages: 2006
Localisation: 18000 Bourges
Welcome! :bien:
Les modifications sont bien faites!
Elle doit marcher fort la 106! :jap:

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 14:58 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
Wiloskill a écrit:
Welcome! :kakashi:
Pretty car with good modification!
You said:
`came across this site by following a link from `

There's a link from, if it's true, where is it? (give me the adress of the page where the link is)

Sorry for my bad english! ;)

I did not remember that I putted a link on that board but that is possible ;) .

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 14:59 
Wiloskill a écrit:
Welcome! :kakashi:
Pretty car with good modification!
You said:
`came across this site by following a link from `

There's a link from, if it's true, where is it? (give me the adress of the page where the link is) ... post215015

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 14:59 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
James106xsi a écrit:
TaG a écrit:
I suppose you know this board .

yes i am a member. im also a member of which is also very helpful
I will visit that one as soon as possible ;) .

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 15:00 
i think you may have to be a member to view it

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 15:01 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
James106xsi a écrit:
Wiloskill a écrit:
Welcome! :kakashi:
Pretty car with good modification!
You said:
`came across this site by following a link from `

There's a link from, if it's true, where is it? (give me the adress of the page where the link is) ... post215015

Ok thanks to o.levejac he is on that board that's great to be able to communicate on different problem all around the world :D .

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 15:02 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
James106xsi a écrit:
i think you may have to be a member to view it
that is true but i have an account :D since a long time :D :mrgreen:

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 15:08 
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Inscription: Samedi 28 Août 2004 11:04
Messages: 2851
Localisation: Mirmande
Welcome to you here :bien: .

Very nice car. Your wheels are very pretty :loving: .

Pourquoi on a pas des journées de 36 heures :roll: .

DIY spirit

NA powered

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 15:12 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
We will add the link ` ` on the website ;)

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 16:21 

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 17:25 
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Inscription: Mercredi 29 Décembre 2004 17:57
Messages: 6466
Clem78 a écrit:
welcome, pretty car! You put a pipe of admission of one 106 1l3 rally it is well like modification. With soon on the forum

voila traduction powaaa mdr :mrgreen:

Il faut dire ` +1 for your alloy 106 rally inlet manifold with a BMC induction kit (air intake)` Exactly what i want for my XSi!

Welcome to you and your car!

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 29 Janvier 2006 18:10 
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Inscription: Vendredi 27 Août 2004 13:39
Messages: 4085
Localisation: Chaspuzac 43
azizouh a écrit:
Clem78 a écrit:
welcome, pretty car! You put a pipe of admission of one 106 1l3 rally it is well like modification. With soon on the forum

voila traduction powaaa mdr :mrgreen:

Il faut dire ` +1 for your alloy 106 rally inlet manifold with a BMC induction kit (air intake)` Exactly what i want for my XSi!

Welcome to you and your car!

But i'm always the first on 1L4 :dentier:

Sinon Welcome

In the international language XSi Powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... :inlove:


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