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MessagePosté: Mercredi 04 Juillet 2007 17:42 
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Inscription: Samedi 01 Octobre 2005 19:37
Messages: 1801
Localisation: 94
danvilla2 a écrit:
Would be great for you to come to FCS next year. The 106owners are planning on going to Nurburgring in January 2008 aswell, i dont think im going to go, but some of you could tag along!

We just talk about Nurburgring in another topic on this site. And we concluded that 106, even well prepared, weren't welcome to this place :)
Very fast car, very huge preparation, and no gentlemen driver... :)

It also seemed that there is a very expansive cost for all problem you have there (broken car, and so on)... :p

Why won't you come to Dijon 2008 ?! It's about 2 days of runs only for us :] We let you see by yourself :

In 2006 :

In 2007 :
and the videos !

So ? Will you be there in 2008 ? :]

Une petite signature vaut mieux qu'une grosse...

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MessagePosté: Mercredi 04 Juillet 2007 20:14 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
You're welcome Danvilla ;).

It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you on board :D

Ok for the FCS, next year we will do our best to come :D

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 24 Août 2007 18:31 
Hiya chaps, been a while since i came on, couldnt seem to log on and have trouble readign french but i'm back! Liking the new site, looks really nice.

Been busy doing stuff to the car:

* Put Compomotive 2 alloys with Toyo Proxes T1S (the best you can get in the UK In my opinion!) and lowered 40mm, but having a few rubbing and punctured the washer bottle! AH well, looks better

* Put raceland on with a green filter, a raceland 4-2-1 and a decat pugsport exhaust. I reckon thats added about 10bhp, certianly picks up a lot better and isnt quite so bad getting to 4500rpm which used to feel so slow!! lol Engine bay needs a clean i know!

* Pioneer stereo with some new speakers all round (although they've yet to go in)

* De badged the rear, just need to take the re wiper off now!

* Bought some nice tailor made carpets! for a lot of money :xsi: though!

Merci Beacoup :xsi:

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 24 Août 2007 18:36 
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Inscription: Vendredi 10 Septembre 2004 20:40
Messages: 2750
Localisation: Morbihan (56)
Your new wheels are very nice. :loving:

Ma 106

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 24 Août 2007 18:40 


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MessagePosté: Vendredi 24 Août 2007 18:45 
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Inscription: Jeudi 01 Mars 2007 13:12
Messages: 370
Localisation: Nancy 54
You have a beaufiful car man !

Like Jeanno said, your new wheels are very nice, and the last picture is wonderfull :bien: :loving:


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MessagePosté: Samedi 25 Août 2007 21:13 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne

How are ya ;).

Nice Wheel I want this one too, but hard to fine or to much expensive;).

About your tyres : The best are Toyo Proxes T1-R not T1-S ;)
In france it is used to said that about tyres ;).

And so cute lowered 40mm

Hope to see ya soon in France or England, or wherever ;)

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MessagePosté: Samedi 25 Août 2007 21:45 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
Hey, the come back, and with a nice wheel . :rs:

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 26 Août 2007 12:29 
TaG a écrit:
About your tyres : The best are Toyo Proxes T1-R not T1-S ;)
In france it is used to said that about tyres ;).

And so cute lowered 40mm

Hope to see ya soon in France or England, or wherever ;)

haha, yeh T1-R are probably better but I think the t1-S look better :mrgreen: :bien:

Cheers wilkosill

Hope to you guys soon one day, we have planned a big 106 Owners day on the 29th/30th Setptember in the UK theres hopfully going loads of cars, over 100, right through the range from 1.1s through quiksilver (sports in france) to rallye, gtis and obviously, the best of them all the xsi's ;) if any of you are interested

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 26 Août 2007 18:00 
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Inscription: Vendredi 24 Août 2007 0:47
Messages: 33
Localisation: 06 dans la forêt
very beautiful !:)

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 26 Août 2007 20:01 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
danvilla2 a écrit:
TaG a écrit:
About your tyres : The best are Toyo Proxes T1-R not T1-S ;)
In france it is used to said that about tyres ;).

And so cute lowered 40mm

Hope to see ya soon in France or England, or wherever ;)

haha, yeh T1-R are probably better but I think the t1-S look better :mrgreen: :bien:

Cheers wilkosill

Hope to you guys soon one day, we have planned a big 106 Owners day on the 29th/30th Setptember in the UK theres hopfully going loads of cars, over 100, right through the range from 1.1s through quiksilver (sports in france) to rallye, gtis and obviously, the best of them all the xsi's ;) if any of you are interested

that would have been pleasant to see you by the end of the month but I will be in Le Touquet Paris Plage, not so far, but I won't have the time to see you, we will be a little bit of 106 ;).

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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 19:59 
Bonjour mes amis!

Been a while since I logged on here, been away at uni so not been messing about with the car.

Does anyone else get this problem - I keep breaking the washer bottle with the wheel on full lock! No one else on UK forums has had this problem, only me!!



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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 20:03 
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Inscription: Samedi 01 Octobre 2005 19:37
Messages: 1801
Localisation: 94
Your tire is to huge :]

Une petite signature vaut mieux qu'une grosse...

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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 20:08 
XD a écrit:
Your tire is to huge :]

Non, 195/45/15's!

Some people on the UK forums think i must have bent a wishbone or something.

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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 20:13 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
danvilla2 a écrit:
Non, 195/45/15's!

Some people on the UK forums think i must have bent a wishbone or something.

I think, it's not the tire size but the wheel size, what is the ET about it?(si quelqu'un sait comment on dit ET en anglais :W)

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 20:17 
Hi wilskill, hows it going?

15" wheel, with 195/45/15 tyres. Et is 16mm? And i have also put 3mm spacers on the front too, so the ET is about 13mm.

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MessagePosté: Samedi 15 Décembre 2007 20:24 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
danvilla2 a écrit:
Hi wilskill, hows it going?

15" wheel, with 195/45/15 tyres. Et is 16mm? And i have also put 3mm spacers on the front too, so the ET is about 13mm.

Ok, so if you change the ET for 13, perhaps, it's the reason of your problem.
Because, I've got this size of wheel/tire => 195/45/16 ET15, and I've got no problem with it.
How many centimetre are you get down your car?

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 16 Décembre 2007 12:49 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne
Hey, good to see you again ;).

About your issue with the washer bottle, it has appeared with no reason?
Nothing has been done to your car?

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 16 Décembre 2007 14:37 
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Inscription: Lundi 11 Juillet 2005 1:05
Messages: 2183
Localisation: Manosque
Welcome man!

désolé je tchatche mal la langue de nos confrère, mais franchement jolie titine!!

Mais elle est atteinte de la maladie d'inversus cette titine !! :cagoule:

Mon Projet 106Xsi Gr N1
Plus tu pédale moins fort, moins tu avance plus vite...

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MessagePosté: Dimanche 16 Décembre 2007 22:31 
Larcenn - cheers, apologies my french isnt the strongest, I was no good at school! haha

Tag - Hey how are you!

Its only happened since the car was lowered, but I think the car has had a bump and for some reason the washer bottle sits too close to the wheel. I am going to hammer it so it sits closer to the bumper tomorrow!!

Some pics:

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