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MessagePosté: Dimanche 20 Juillet 2008 2:16 
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Inscription: Lundi 11 Juillet 2005 1:05
Messages: 2183
Localisation: Manosque
Hello and Welcome

God job for the passenger side arch ,

The drivers side arch are very oxided ( je sais pas si ça se dit comme ça oxydé :s )

Mon Projet 106Xsi Gr N1
Plus tu pédale moins fort, moins tu avance plus vite...

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Lundi 25 Août 2008 19:47 
I purchased a set of "Fondmetal 4000" alloy wheels on ebay. Got a bargain 4 alloys with new tyres for £40!!!!





I also sprayed my rocker cover in red...



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MessagePosté: Jeudi 06 Novembre 2008 17:58 

106 Rallye Steel wheels






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MessagePosté: Vendredi 07 Novembre 2008 14:42 
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Inscription: Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 15:36
Messages: 477
Localisation: bordeaux cauderan
how many sets of wheels are you going to try?? lol!
i think the rallys look the part,especially if its a track day car...
go original and fast!
nice one mate,keep the good work up!

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 28 Novembre 2008 10:58 


Light weight - 3kg each

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 28 Novembre 2008 11:48 
Your new rallye wheels and your seats both bring definitely a nice touch to the car, congratulations. I really do love your car and the work you did on it :bien: Thank you for sharing it with us.

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 28 Novembre 2008 20:11 
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Inscription: Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 15:36
Messages: 477
Localisation: bordeaux cauderan
any chance of you telling me where you got the fog-light covers from??

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MessagePosté: Vendredi 28 Novembre 2008 20:27 
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Inscription: Dimanche 18 Février 2007 14:59
Messages: 507
Localisation: valentigney (25)/ mulhouse(68)
very smart, better than before, this new style really fits her good :bien:
What did U use to treat the rust?

un vrai freinage tardif c'est quand tu choppe les freins t'es deja plus sur la route ^^

"Pour arriver premier, il faut premièrement arriver "(Enzo Ferrari)

"Pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés." devise de la famille peugeot

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mardi 02 Décembre 2008 19:01 
Hi guy !

I liked the look givin' by "Minilites" at begining . It was really a kart like Austin's Mini !

The "Fondmetal 4000" were cutes too .

So the last shootin' photos is the better with the "Rallye Wheels" .

You have a lot of good affairs on Ebay , no ?

So , Good job guy , continue like that & thanks for Photos (but you know , frenchies wanna more ... :D Give us more photos from UK ;) )

See Ya' .

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Vendredi 05 Décembre 2008 17:43 
No Update since endin' November ?

see ya' .

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Mardi 16 Décembre 2008 1:12 

Thanks for the comments!

brad a écrit:

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any chance of you telling me where you got the fog-light covers from??

A Local car shop, try they were £20 for the covers and 2 new foglights.

damz a écrit:
What did U use to treat the rust?

KuRust - rust treatment - also sanded to bare metal and used anti-rust primer

Geekator a écrit:
Hi guy !

I liked the look givin' by "Minilites" at begining . It was really a kart like Austin's Mini !

The "Fondmetal 4000" were cutes too .

So the last shootin' photos is the better with the "Rallye Wheels" .

You have a lot of good affairs on Ebay , no ?

So , Good job guy , continue like that & thanks for Photos (but you know , frenchies wanna more ... :D Give us more photos from UK ;) )

See Ya' .

Yes I have 3 sets of wheels :) All bought cheaply on ebay, my favourite place!


Interior Painted black - not yet complete


Front and Rear Bumper - removing weight KG's



No more foglights - RALLYE vents



Roll cage 10 Point OMP Full Cage BOLT IN


Will keep it updated :)

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Jeudi 18 Décembre 2008 20:33 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
Hi, good job.
How kg's aren't lost before and after the work on the rear bump ??

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Vendredi 19 Décembre 2008 20:34 
Wiloskill a écrit:
Hi, good job.
How kg's aren't lost before and after the work on the rear bump ??

I do not know. Sorry. I did not weigh them before an after, but every lil helps :)

Todays Update:

8v TU engine removed:


I have bought a new engine for the XSi. 106 S16/GTi engine, 1600 16v. :s16:

106 S16 engine will be fitted soon. :s16: :xsi:

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 10:43 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:06
Messages: 9617
Localisation: 91 essonne

I was wnodering when you'll fit a 16V engine, now i Know :)

You are welcome with all your updates :)

Thanks for it
Which place do you want to see your car?
106 xsi for road use?
106 xsi for race use?

Thanks :)

Team TeTroCon d'or N°2 (Vice Président)

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 11:17 
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Inscription: Samedi 19 Janvier 2008 19:13
Messages: 1404
Localisation: 77
I was sure that a british will put a 16v in his XSI, in your country you have all the rights you want about the car modifications :bien:

Restau de ma 106 XSI

Mon Ax 16v

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 12:46 
TaG a écrit:
Which place do you want to see your car?
106 xsi for road use?
106 xsi for race use?

I am building the car into a track/race car. So RACE USE :vroum:

TurboSnake a écrit:
I was sure that a british will put a 16v in his XSI, in your country you have all the rights you want about the car modifications :bien:

Yes, it is quite a common modification in Britain to fit the 1.6 16v engine. I've heard that its difficult to modify a car in France, due to laws?


Engine Purchased.


1.6 16v S16 engine

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 13:06 
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Inscription: Samedi 19 Janvier 2008 19:13
Messages: 1404
Localisation: 77
Yes, for us it is very difficult to have a 100% legal car :cry:

Restau de ma 106 XSI

Mon Ax 16v

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Mardi 23 Décembre 2008 18:42 
Finally got the fibreglass bonnet fitted.

Not 100% yet, needs some adjustment.



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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Vendredi 09 Janvier 2009 18:51 
Car is back on 4 wheels.

Removed front bumper, headlights, radiator etc etc ready for new 16v engine.


Going to clean up, remove any rust and respray the engine bay

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 Sujet du message: Re: British - Black 106 XSi 1.6 8v
MessagePosté: Vendredi 09 Janvier 2009 20:55 
Hi , in fact , your car will be "Fast & Furious" , LOL :dentier: !
Your Xsi will be performant like last 106 GTI !

See Ya'

Geek' .

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