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 Sujet du message: [davenport] English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 12:44 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
firstly, hello, and er... Bonjour! please excuse my French it is terrible and i`m assuming a lot of you people speak english.. if not i will let the pictures do the talking..

i found this site after browsing for some information on the 106maxi..

anyway.. this is how my xsi is progressing!!!



RUST!!!!! :cagoule:











i hope you like.. all pics can be found here: ... ?start=all


Dernière édition par PF47 le Mercredi 06 Avril 2022 5:07, édité 1 fois.
MAJ titre

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:27 
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Inscription: Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 15:36
Messages: 477
Localisation: bordeaux cauderan
you've got a nice project there stuart!

what's your set-up? bike carbs or tb's? your inlet pipe looks it from colin and sandy ??

tell us a bit more,there are plenty english spoken guys here..


Pas d'airbag,pas d"ABS,je meurs comme un Homme!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:35 
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Inscription: Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 15:36
Messages: 477
Localisation: bordeaux cauderan
i've just seen your gear linkages on the pics,impressive! is it all home made or a kit?


Pas d'airbag,pas d"ABS,je meurs comme un Homme!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:38 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
everything so far (apart from engine internals) has been done by me.. but the wiring and painting will also be shipped out i think...

i`ve had the car for a few years and before this rebuild it ran a shenpar built engine, piper 285 cam, R6 carburettors, balanced bottom end, headwork, with a few other bits..

peugeot sport coilovers/uprated bars/OMP cage and the compomotive wheels..

it was used everyday as my commuter car and i loved every second of it!! the noise is immense!..

but i found a few areas of rust and decided to use it as an opportunity to build the car i`d always wanted..

as with most projects things have gone crazy.. i never planned to do so much.. the top mounts/gear linkage/front panel/cage/dash............ the list goes on!! hahaha

it will now run gsxr1000 throttle bodies with a TDF ec1 ecu linked to the racetechnology digital dash the inlet is similar to Sandy and colins (i do know both and there great guys, its colins design on my gearlinkage that i made) but has a few differences.. on theres the trumpets slip inside the bodies but i have welded a flange on the casing allowing me to use any of the jenvey bolt on range..

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:41 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
haha the gearlinkage is something that Colin satchell has been making for years for 205`s and 306`s and 1 106 racecar.. after a year of me moaning and asking for a kit he kindly gave me some dimensions and pics and i was able to make my own version..

after seeing the reactions of people that then saw mine he has developed his onw kit, slightly different to mine but basically the same operation.. he sells them for £300 uk/pounds i beleive....

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:49 
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Inscription: Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 15:36
Messages: 477
Localisation: bordeaux cauderan
well done,it's great to see so much good work in a 106!!


Pas d'airbag,pas d"ABS,je meurs comme un Homme!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 14:55 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
brad a écrit:
well done,it's great to see so much good work in a 106!!

thank you..

when i found the rust i was tempted to start again with a C2 shell but am pleased i stuck with it.. i have loved the shape ever since seeing 1 of the first S1 rallyes in an english dealer..

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 15:24 
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Inscription: Mercredi 04 Août 2004 22:43
Messages: 19478
Localisation: 78 BBR
Hello, welcome here, and thanks to you to share your wonderfull project with us.

Si le fion était au pouvoir je serais ministre de l'intérieur©
M5 E60 507cv
EOS TFSI 200cv
1000GexK5 180cv
R1 2005 180cv

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 19:54 
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Inscription: Lundi 19 Avril 2010 14:39
Messages: 159
domage que je ne parle pas anglais! :blague:

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 20:09 
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Inscription: Mardi 24 Mars 2009 10:41
Messages: 4564
Localisation: Mantes-La-Jolie (78)
Welcome here

nice job on your xsi !!

le rider fou a écrit:
on echange d'auto?!?

une RL sans jantes blanches c'est comme une nana avec des petits seins, c'est bien mais pas le must! :nan :glou :ddr

ca déglingue!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 7:40 
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Inscription: Lundi 12 Novembre 2007 19:49
Messages: 283
Localisation: begles
nice job xsi'addict and welcome ;)

A fait ses armes en 205gti 1.9 en rage!!!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 7:57 
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Inscription: Lundi 25 Janvier 2010 9:45
Messages: 1701
Localisation: Bordeaux (33)
Welcome ! Tres beautiful work on this 106. I hope a day that my 106 will have a similar look even if the engine preparation is lighter .


--> Mon Ex jouet ici <--

--> Ma 106 s16 ici <--

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 11:18 
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Inscription: Vendredi 27 Août 2004 13:39
Messages: 4085
Localisation: Chaspuzac 43
great project
Good parts and i think really great knowledge


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 11:32 
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Inscription: Vendredi 15 Septembre 2006 20:38
Messages: 1106
Localisation: 37
I'm fond of your work, i'm eager to see the result by pictures and movies.

is that a part from motorcycles engine?

c'est pas parce que l'on a un arbre dans son jardin qu'on ne peut pas aller se promener en forêt...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 11:40 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
le rider fou a écrit:
is that a part from motorcycles engine?

which piece?? the carburettors i used were from a yamaha R6 and these items fitted now are from a suzuki gsxr1000/750..

thank you for the kind words.. I should say i am a welder and sheet metal worker and have also worked as a machinist and CAD draughtsman in the past. If i wasn`t able to do this myself i`d never be able to afford it all...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 15:53 
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Inscription: Dimanche 27 Avril 2008 8:36
Messages: 634
Localisation: Bordeaux - Eysines
That's quite impressive but the blue definitively don't go with the red. :ange:

Gentleman Gaudrioleur.

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 15:58 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
julien.D a écrit:
That's quite impressive but the blue definitively don't go with the red. :ange:

haha the primer is only temporary until the metalwork is finished, then the car will be blasted and repainted like this:


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 16:44 
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Inscription: Dimanche 27 Avril 2008 8:36
Messages: 634
Localisation: Bordeaux - Eysines
That's a lot better, can't wait to see the evolution. :bien:

Gentleman Gaudrioleur.

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 28 Décembre 2010 17:59 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
julien.D a écrit:
That's a lot better, can't wait to see the evolution. :bien:

merci!! haha

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 02 Janvier 2011 23:12 
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Inscription: Dimanche 20 Février 2005 22:23
Messages: 7670
Localisation: 94 Val-de-Marne
Welcome here :kakashi:

good job :jap:

julien.D a écrit:
That's a lot better, can't wait to see the evolution. :bien:



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