hello hello my little octane lovin amigos!!
been a while and i could apologise, it really wouldnt be sincere though...
so i guess your all due an update.. so heres what i`ve been up to!
first up a very big thing!!!!

Jenson, born 14th november!!
as for the car!!!
on the std 106 pedalbox the brake light activation switch is mounted off the actual pedal, seeings as i`m now running a bias pedalbox i needed to work out a new switch.. with the extra gubbins on the pedals room is tight, bloody tight! so a bit of head scratching and i ordered up 1 of these from goodridge:

and 1 of these:

the plan being installing it in the line running from front to back where the AP bias valve used to live between the seats.....
as you can see the switch is intended for a banjo fitting not a direct screw in... so.........
these were obtained:
(a massive shout to TRACY TOOLS, immense as ever!!)
and after a bit of fiddling:

this will now screw straight into the T and seal with a copper washer!!
next job....
oil pressure sensor!!!
the std sensor is just a simple on/off switch rather than a scaled item so i got on the phone to Pete @ KA sensors (again mega helpful guy, ive known him a
while thru other projects so knew he`d be able to help)
i also got various fittings to go from the M16x1.5 in the block down to a -3 fitting for the sensor:

LOVE the test certificate! proper pro motorsport,, hahahaha
there was a small issue getting my disc bells machined and a new machinist had to be found..
i`d seen a blog about a guy up north (middlesboro) who had created some amazing parts for his motorbike:
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/shaun.wainford/Progress2.html(honestly!! if you have 15 mins or so to kill this is an amazing read!!)
anyhow.. i emailed him, then phoned him, had a chat and liked his attitude! as a result he came up with these:

and a VERY attractive price, so they`re underway now which should see the braking side of things complete...
with regards to the wiring..... *SIGH*
still ongoing!! hahahahaha yeah yeah yeah i know, ive been saying that for a while!!
in fairness to Matt he has had some rather BIG projects on the go for VERY rich customers..
globe hopping with STARTA21`s fleet of cars including a lambo.. mosler... this!:

theres also been the PRAGA project involving the redesign or the drivetrain/electronics package of this:

originally a hayabusa based V8 which despite being ferociously quick (search youtube - "praga/slovakring" iirc) blew up after a few hours, not ideal for 24hour events!! so its been swapped to a renault/nissan V6
a LOT of trick bits and scary amounts of money but all seems well:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cgmsogPPdg fingers crossed in the next month or so there will be some more steps forward with mine...