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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Dimanche 14 Octobre 2012 10:42 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Août 2007 0:09
Messages: 2599
Localisation: Rhône-alpes
nice brake ! :bien:

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Jeudi 01 Novembre 2012 22:57 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Well i have been keeping things progressing...

Ive drawn some adapters and bells up



And the first parts have arrived..


Very very pleased with these!!!!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Samedi 03 Novembre 2012 21:13 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
ok, so been doing a bit of running round today.. bit-n-bobs and hoping the clios suspension will shake the yob out of the missus... no luck on that score, but!!

i got my sweaty hands on the adapters so headed to the social club to see if my measuring worked out...


first hurdle cleared in a "fuck yeah" style....

disc + mock up bell on and things were looking good..



as with 4 pots and these 2 pot calipers, the caliper isn`t on sliders so the disc has to sit bang on in the middle of the caliper........


that`ll do for me!! its a bit tricky to get the camera angle to prove this but after poking a feeler guage in both sides, its all good!!!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Samedi 10 Novembre 2012 21:20 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
courtesy of the west country mafia:


TRi pins still need a little bit of machining but it should/might work!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Lundi 21 Janvier 2013 18:50 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
hello hello my little octane lovin amigos!!

been a while and i could apologise, it really wouldnt be sincere though...

so i guess your all due an update.. so heres what i`ve been up to!

first up a very big thing!!!!


Jenson, born 14th november!!

as for the car!!!

on the std 106 pedalbox the brake light activation switch is mounted off the actual pedal, seeings as i`m now running a bias pedalbox i needed to work out a new switch.. with the extra gubbins on the pedals room is tight, bloody tight! so a bit of head scratching and i ordered up 1 of these from goodridge:


and 1 of these:


the plan being installing it in the line running from front to back where the AP bias valve used to live between the seats.....


as you can see the switch is intended for a banjo fitting not a direct screw in... so.........

these were obtained:


(a massive shout to TRACY TOOLS, immense as ever!!)

and after a bit of fiddling:


this will now screw straight into the T and seal with a copper washer!!

next job....

oil pressure sensor!!!

the std sensor is just a simple on/off switch rather than a scaled item so i got on the phone to Pete @ KA sensors (again mega helpful guy, ive known him a
while thru other projects so knew he`d be able to help)

i also got various fittings to go from the M16x1.5 in the block down to a -3 fitting for the sensor:


LOVE the test certificate! proper pro motorsport,, hahahaha

there was a small issue getting my disc bells machined and a new machinist had to be found..

i`d seen a blog about a guy up north (middlesboro) who had created some amazing parts for his motorbike:

(honestly!! if you have 15 mins or so to kill this is an amazing read!!)

anyhow.. i emailed him, then phoned him, had a chat and liked his attitude! as a result he came up with these:




and a VERY attractive price, so they`re underway now which should see the braking side of things complete...

with regards to the wiring..... *SIGH*

still ongoing!! hahahahaha yeah yeah yeah i know, ive been saying that for a while!!

in fairness to Matt he has had some rather BIG projects on the go for VERY rich customers..

globe hopping with STARTA21`s fleet of cars including a lambo.. mosler... this!:


theres also been the PRAGA project involving the redesign or the drivetrain/electronics package of this:


originally a hayabusa based V8 which despite being ferociously quick (search youtube - "praga/slovakring" iirc) blew up after a few hours, not ideal for 24hour events!! so its been swapped to a renault/nissan V6

a LOT of trick bits and scary amounts of money but all seems well:

fingers crossed in the next month or so there will be some more steps forward with mine...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 19:34 
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Inscription: Mercredi 09 Avril 2008 18:47
Messages: 588
Localisation: 74
J'y comprend rien mais :loving:

Xsi 1L4 93 BLANC ----restauration
Xsi 1L6 96 RV ----pistarde
Alpine A310 V6----restauration à venir
M2RS Bleu artic---daily
Recenser vos xsi ici ----> viewtopic.php?f=64&t=25613
106 xsi powwwa!!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 19:44 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82

I have NO! idea what that says,.but thankyou...

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 21:57 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2011 16:30
Messages: 1568
Localisation: 28300
106xsi full origine a écrit:
J'y comprend rien mais :loving:

Pareil pour moi :lolbis: c'est frustrant!

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 15:51 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
alright folks...

been a while aint it!!???

apologies for not being on here much.. this little fella has been taking up a LOT of time:


so, where am I on the car???

well.. the disc bells got finished:


and mated up with the AP discs:


clearance is TIGHT!!!


but all good.... unfortunately, the clearance between the wishbone and the inner disc face was also as tight!!:


there was only 1 sensible solution:


the std 106 legs were sold, and I treated myself to a set of fabricated struts from Colin down @ SatchellEngineering

these differ from the std legs in that the hub (a modified 307 unit) is separate, the ackerman has been altered slightly and thanks to the hub layout the wishbone balljoint is much lower not only giving better brake clearance but also helping the roll centre and bumpsteer correction.....


as for the wiring....

ahhhhhhh the wiring.... its a LONG story but the basics are, I found out a few things I was told regarding progress turned out to be bare faced lies, so I lost my temper and had the car collected and brought home, a new manufacturer has been commissioned to do the job and is currently working on it...

that's about it tbh....

oooh yes... ride height!!




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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:00 
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Inscription: Dimanche 30 Décembre 2012 0:03
Messages: 5253
Localisation: 37
Good job :inlove:

xsi 1.4 grise:
Ex xsi 1.4 bleu:
Ex S16 grise:

Une xsi pas modifié c'est comme une prostitué avec une culotte de chasteté

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:12 
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Inscription: Samedi 16 Décembre 2006 10:15
Messages: 3879
Localisation: À proximité de Nantes (44)
J'y compeends rien non plus, mais c'est du super boulot :bien:
davenport a écrit:

:inlove: :loving:

106 Le Mans

205 GTI 1600 AM89 Bleu Topaze

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:31 
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Inscription: Dimanche 30 Décembre 2012 0:03
Messages: 5253
Localisation: 37
Google traduction est ton ami ;)

xsi 1.4 grise:
Ex xsi 1.4 bleu:
Ex S16 grise:

Une xsi pas modifié c'est comme une prostitué avec une culotte de chasteté

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:41 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82

je n'parles le francais!!!!! Hahahaha

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:44 
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Inscription: Dimanche 30 Décembre 2012 0:03
Messages: 5253
Localisation: 37
I do not speak either English :bourrer:

xsi 1.4 grise:
Ex xsi 1.4 bleu:
Ex S16 grise:

Une xsi pas modifié c'est comme une prostitué avec une culotte de chasteté

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mercredi 26 Juin 2013 16:51 
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Inscription: Samedi 16 Décembre 2006 10:15
Messages: 3879
Localisation: À proximité de Nantes (44)
davenport a écrit:

je n'parles le francais!!!!! Hahahaha

Me to ... don't speak french :cagoule:

106 Le Mans

205 GTI 1600 AM89 Bleu Topaze

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Mardi 16 Juillet 2013 21:23 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Apologies for the photobucket fail.....

ive started another account. . The old pics will reset in a few weeks..

With the massive scope for adjustability on the satchell kit I felt I should take advantage and do what I can to reduce bumpsteer..

so I made this at work:


Ive yet to take readings and adjust but its all ready to go next session at the workshop...


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 6:02 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
didn't get much done at the weekend as Friday/Saturday I was walking the tightrope of trying not to shit myself (another bug from the boy, cheers son!)

sunday was a mates babys christening.. but in between church and the party I got 30 minutes in the garage...

so, I used to have 1 of these: (not mine in the pic but an old cased EC1 branded with TDF)


that fitted into this:


and that bolted onto these:


now after the little fiasco that was "my looms" I spoke to SpecialistComponents that actually make the ECU and asked about recasing it for me, not only did they agree, they updated the software and made me a coffee while I waited and had a tour...

so, now I have this:


and needed to make this:


to bolt up here:


via the magic box of Peugeot pick-n-mix parts a suitable set of shafts were found (307 outers/MA box inners)


these just need chopping and shortening and wil be given a refurb...

finally some pics of the suspension:






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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 13:50 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Août 2007 0:09
Messages: 2599
Localisation: Rhône-alpes
Changes are impressive !
Very Good job. :bien:


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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 15:32 
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Inscription: Dimanche 30 Décembre 2012 0:03
Messages: 5253
Localisation: 37
+1 :inlove:

xsi 1.4 grise:
Ex xsi 1.4 bleu:
Ex S16 grise:

Une xsi pas modifié c'est comme une prostitué avec une culotte de chasteté

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 Sujet du message: Re: English 106 xsi
MessagePosté: Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 17:10 
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Inscription: Lundi 27 Décembre 2010 11:49
Messages: 82
Thankyou very much....

I am currently looking at these: ... troen.html

I am hoping their english is better than my french!!!

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