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 Sujet du message: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 06 Mai 2016 10:01 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Hi everybody! Glad to join your forum!

In my signature u can see my 106. It was an XR model at first, now it's such an XSi replica externally, while it's like a Rallye 16v internally. The engine is from the Mk1 1.4 XS model but still with carburettor. ;)

I'm gonna share further picture with you guys.

Please sorry, I don't speak French.. :( :(


Dernière édition par radio-fixer le Lundi 09 Mai 2016 8:18, édité 1 fois.

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 06 Mai 2016 11:07 
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Inscription: Vendredi 09 Mars 2012 21:01
Messages: 1120
Localisation: 27(ezy sur eure) 76(bolbec)
Hi welcome to the forum, nice replica of xsi and the mk1 1.4 xs is good engine mono injector

Sorry for my English, i understand and speack little english ;)

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 06 Mai 2016 14:42 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Merci! There's still much work to do anyway.

I hope my girlfrend (who is a native speaker) will help me reading and writing here.. ;)


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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Samedi 07 Mai 2016 9:16 
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Inscription: Dimanche 20 Février 2005 22:23
Messages: 7670
Localisation: 94 Val-de-Marne
Welcome "home" :kakashi:

Don't worry for your English (with some pictures, we don't realy need to speak :cagoule: :lolbis: )


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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Dimanche 08 Mai 2016 20:23 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2011 17:38
Messages: 2383
Localisation: Limoges 87
XS-FURY a écrit:
Welcome "home" :kakashi:

Don't worry for your English (with some pictures, we don't realy need to speak :cagoule: :lolbis: )

That's it !
You're welcome here.
We are waiting for some photos ^^

Acceptera le principe d'égalité des sexes lorsque les hommes auront droit à l'orgasme multiple eux aussi

Back on XSI :

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Dimanche 08 Mai 2016 21:25 
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Inscription: Jeudi 16 Décembre 2010 21:46
Messages: 1429
Localisation: 46 Lot
Welcome :kakashi:

Mon cure de jouvence
Défenseur des 106 XSI

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Jeudi 12 Mai 2016 8:23 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
This is the engine bay right now. I'm gonna take off that filter and put something better.. :)

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 7:36 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Let's start the story...

This was my 106 in 2007. Just changed the front bumper with the half-painted one.

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 7:51 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
2008: Minor changes (plastics, etc..), seats from S2 and MOMO steering wheel.. :mrgreen:

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 9:35 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2011 17:38
Messages: 2383
Localisation: Limoges 87
Your steering wheel is pretty cool !

Acceptera le principe d'égalité des sexes lorsque les hommes auront droit à l'orgasme multiple eux aussi

Back on XSI :

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 9:49 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Merci! I like it a lot because it's not so.. you know.. "too much".. it fits the rest of the design, especially now which has the whole interior of an S2 :loving: Anyway I alternate it with the genuine 16v one waiting for a proper S1 wheel

I'm gonna show further pics with the next changes made through the years until now.. :)


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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Jeudi 19 Mai 2016 9:00 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Dic 2008: decided to swap the whole interior with a S2 one, from the moquette to the dash, to the seats and so on.. Here are some pictures.. :D

Removal of seats:

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Jeudi 19 Mai 2016 9:04 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Removal of the dash...

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 Sujet du message: Re: [Radio-Fixer] 106 XR ---> XSi 1992
MessagePosté: Jeudi 19 Mai 2016 9:06 
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Inscription: Mardi 26 Avril 2016 14:43
Messages: 11
Removal of the moquette...

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